Lisa Cutler's amazing handbags first came to my attention three years ago at the 4 Bridges Arts Festival in Chattanooga, where she makes them from a variety of re-purposed fabrics, all with bungee cord handles for a comfortable surprise that guarantees notice. My sweetie carries a red one. Another is pictured over her friend's shoulder, but Lisa's favorite burden arrived in January. Congratulations and welcome!
Regular postings to
The Chattanoogan ceased in July 2010, yet that blog recorded 400+ page views during the past thirty days. Chance encounters both here and there cannot account for all such traffic. Chattanooga remains a deep well of style and a wonderful opportunity for street fashion blogging. Anyone?
Lisa's bags may be found at Plum Nelly on Frazier Avenue in Chattanooga and at Les Filles Boutique in the Westport Village of Louisville, Kentucky.
These bags look so trendy. They are definite heart-stealers.
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