Having just returned from
this visit to Chattanooga made it all the nicer to meet the proprietors of that city's
Vintage Love at The Goat Farm.
It bears repeating: regular postings to
The Chattanoogan ceased in July 2010, yet more than 400 page views were recorded during the past thirty days. Chance encounters both here and there cannot account for all such traffic. Chattanooga remains a deep well of style and a wonderful opportunity for street fashion blogging. Anyone?
Loved the color combinations and many congratulations for such a great fan following.
love it!
Where have you been? I am missing following your posts - have you moved your blog location? Please say you haven't quit!
Busier than ever on AtlantaStreetFashion.blogspot.com
You made The Chattanoogan for old time's sake, thought it may have been confusing. My bad.
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