Monday, March 29, 2010

Seen on Frazier Avenue

scarf: souvenir of Czech Republic
dress: Charlotte Russe
tights: H&M
shoes: souvenir of Los Angeles

Saturday, March 27, 2010

In Coolidge Park

Covenant College tonight hosts its Spring Banquet at The Hunter, but the breezy, warm afternoon found everyone strolling around Coolidge Park. This couple remixed vintage styles, including his uncle's suit jacket from that seventies decade, for what promises to be a memorable evening.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memphis Memory

Clothing makes a wonderful travel souvenir. Not only is the item more likely to be unique at home, wearing it brings to mind the romance of distant places. Her crocheted shrug recalls the Peabody in Memphis.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Collective Commute: Chic Cycling In Chattanooga

collective_commute With summer upon us and the Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge once again bearing foot traffic, Outdoor Chattanooga and Collective Clothing invite you to a bicycle-themed fashion show in Coolidge Park on May 16 from 4-6pm. Mods and Rockers alike should visit Collective Clothing in St. Elmo to reserve your looks. Click here to see more photos on our Facebook page.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Enduring Style

In clothing as in architecture, the classics are everlasting.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday on the the North Shore

Today's vibe was a zany and playful.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On Broad Street

What a balancing act she has performed with this look. The contrasting rough weave and velour frills find common ground in her earthy color palette.

Seen on Frazier Avenue

Some outfits just harmonize well. Her feather necklace could be a metaphor for the light touch that assembled these elements.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sartorial Springtime

This well considered ensemble befits a regular reader of Scott Schuman's 'blog, The Sartorialist. Our downtown library boasts one copy of his newly published, 500+ page book, which is checked out to me through March 14. Says he:
I have been sharing photos with my audience on a daily basis for the past four years, and over the course of that time I have begun to see my images more as a social document celebrating self-expression than as a catalogue for skirt lengths or heel heights.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mad Tea Party at Collective Clothing

on her way to Alice in Wonderland
Click here for more party pictures on Facebook.

Sister City at AVA

This exploration of Icelandic moods still, quiet and spare by Covenant alumna Elizabeth Tubergen opened Friday. Her installation of photography, textiles, video and a wax chandelier are the souvenirs of a place both newly discovered and a homecoming.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vintage Style on Main Street





Outdoor Chattanooga hosted its monthly Bike2Work breakfast early this morning in Coolidge Park. Among those attending were a fellow ready for a Tweed Ride and his minimalist counterpart aboard a pared-down fixie. It was great fun meeting fans of this blog who also follow Vélo Vogue and Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Everyone agreed that a cycling fashion show would be just the way to celebrate reopening of the Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge on May 8. Please return for updates as the plan takes shape.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Falling Whistles

Black boots ruled on Frazier Avenue this spring-like afternoon.
The detail picture highlights both ruffles and Falling Whistles, a campaign to raise awareness for the plight of children in the Congo civil conflict. n2shoes is the first retailer in Tennessee to offer these audible, anti-war protest emblems.

Spring is in the Air

boots: Gianni Bini
knitted wool dress: Banana Republic
denim jacket: time out of mind

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Madness

More than basketball afoot this month, there is the Friday premiere of Tim Burton's much anticipated Alice in Wonderland. Stop by Collective Clothing between 7 and 9pm on March 5 for a Mad Tea Party before the Majestic 12 late show at 9:35.

jank is swank: Some Kind of Wonderful

Photo Courtesy of Bethany Mollenkof

For some inspired fashion writing about and more looks at this stylish wedding, go to jank is swank.